Let me be like Autumn leaves
Born from mighty oaks.
Rooted in the unseen.
Feeding, nourishing,
Provoking growth.
Let me be like Autumn trees
Unbreakable but bendable. Dependable.
Aware of all that’s nourished me,
But able to let it go.
Let me be like Autumn leaves
Falling with grace at a gentle pace,
Unafraid to change, unafraid to leave.
Letting go, moving on.
Staying near, but in a new place.
Let me be like Autumn trees
Formed from the layers of before.
Every season shaping and making me,
Good and bad, sun and storm,
I embrace it all.
Archive for October, 2021
Let Me Be Like Autumn
Posted in Poetry, Uncategorized poetry
Hub and Church Leader at Oasis Bath. Poet. Photographer/Film Maker. Communicator. Progressive Christian.
Links: Jo on the web
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