What if I didn’t have to close my eyes
To see the things I want to see.
What if they were right in front of me.
What if I could begin to believe
What if I could feel my lungs breathe
What if I let my heart dream.
What if things turned out better than expected
Profits higher than projected
Application accepted
Contingency plans rejected.
What if everything broken could be reconnected
What if everyone in danger could be protected
what if everything dead could be resurrected.
What if…
What If?
Hub and Church Leader at Oasis Bath. Poet. Photographer/Film Maker. Communicator. Progressive Christian.
Links: Jo on the web
180 advent art Bath Bristol CYM christmas church community cym disappointment easter ethos event faith film graffiti idea Jesus lent LGBT Oasis Oasis Church Bath paradox perseverance photography pioneer poetry prayer progressive christianity restoration scripture union skateboarding spoken word stories talk talks the table thoughts vineyard waiting wordlive YFC youth youthwork youth work