Well who’d have thought it?
In the midst of all of this shit I’d find my perfect fit
Rescued from the pit and now God this is it
My destiny calling no more tripping and falling
No more hearing “her behaviour’s appalling!”
You see now I’m determined to live for Your glory
And tell the whole world this amazing story
Of how at my darkest you saw me
And you didn’t ignore me.
God, You restored me.
And even now you go before me.
Yeah You’re the one that healed my heart
And now I’m here with this brand new start
And these words only help me express it in part
What You’ve done and who You are
Rescue, restore, redeem, repeat
Yeah you helped me get back on my feet
When I’d accepted defeat, when I was all but beat
When I was shattered and battered and calling retreat
When my heart was open and I was bleeding broken
And I cried out for help but there was just no one
The shame, the blame, their ridiculous claims
Took things from me I thought I’d never regain
And I reached my darkest
But You saw me. And you didn’t ignore me.
God You restored me.

You Restored Me
Posted in Ideas, Poetry Jesus poetry restoration spoken word
Hub and Church Leader at Oasis Bath. Poet. Photographer/Film Maker. Communicator. Progressive Christian.
Links: Jo on the web
180 advent art Bath Bristol CYM christmas church community cym disappointment easter ethos event faith film graffiti idea Jesus lent LGBT Oasis Oasis Church Bath paradox perseverance photography pioneer poetry prayer progressive christianity restoration scripture union skateboarding spoken word stories talk talks the table thoughts vineyard waiting wordlive YFC youth youthwork youth work