Once a month at the church I currently lead we have a Sunday called ‘Sofa Sunday’ where we invite a guest to sit on our sofa on stage and answer some questions, as well as welcoming questions from those attending. In July 2023 instead of being the interviewer, I was the interviewee! It was fun being on the other side of the sofa and reflecting on my role, my faith and some things I’ve been thinking about recently.

Oasis Church Bath: Sofa Sunday Interview
Posted in Ideas church interview Oasis Oasis Church Bath thoughts
Hub and Church Leader at Oasis Bath. Poet. Photographer/Film Maker. Communicator. Progressive Christian.
Links: Jo on the web
180 advent art Bath Bristol CYM christmas church community cym disappointment easter ethos event faith film graffiti idea Jesus lent LGBT Oasis Oasis Church Bath paradox perseverance photography pioneer poetry prayer progressive christianity restoration scripture union skateboarding spoken word stories talk talks the table thoughts vineyard waiting wordlive YFC youth youthwork youth work