A recorded version of the talk given at an LGBT+ Carol Service in Bath 2021, held in partnership between Oasis Church Bath, St Stephen’s Church and Christ Church. I focus on LGBT+ people as a gift to the world, as Christ was a gift from God to the world.

Tagged: christmas
You Are a Gift
Posted in Ideas christmas LGBT LGBT+ Oasis Church Bath talks thoughts
Everyday Advent
I’ve always been fascinated by advent. I love that we have an entire season in the church calendar devoted to waiting. This year I really wanted to reflect on it more, so I decided to set myself the challenge of taking a photo every day in December until Christmas, that made me think of waiting. These were often boring, mundane moments of my daily life, but through it I learned so much more about what it means to wait. I’ve written before about waiting so I won’t say much more, but below are all the images, and below that, my listed thoughts of what each one taught me. Do feel free to download and use them if they’re useful – you should be able to do so through my Flickr page.
We wait all the time.
We wait to be taken somewhere new.
Sometimes, it’s worth the wait.
Some waits are short waits.
Waiting makes the end result better.
Some waits remind us of other waits.
Some waits feel longer than others.
Sometimes we’re not the only ones who are waiting.
We wait for black and white to be filled with colour.
Waiting is nearly always preparation for something.
Sometimes we need to create things that are important enough to wait for.
In the waiting there are always glimpses of what is coming. Sights, smells, sounds and tastes. Waiting can be beautiful if we choose to see them.
Sometimes when we stop and wait, we enable others to go.
Waiting is never forever.
Waiting can bring us rest. We can embrace that rest, or resent it.
Waiting is only a temporary stop. Don’t worry, you’ll go again soon.
In a waiting time new things grow, often in unexpected places.
Sometimes, others are waiting for us.
In a waiting time we can often go from serving, to being served.
When you wait, you start to notice the beauty in ordinary things.
Waiting can be a warning. It might not be safe to go yet.
Waiting times remind us that we’re often not in control.
Waiting time is never wasted time.
In a waiting time we learn to let go of the things we no longer need.
Links: Jo on the web
180 advent art Bath Bristol CYM christmas church community cym disappointment easter ethos event faith film graffiti idea Jesus lent LGBT Oasis Oasis Church Bath paradox perseverance photography pioneer poetry prayer progressive christianity restoration scripture union skateboarding spoken word stories talk talks the table thoughts vineyard waiting wordlive YFC youth youthwork youth work